Today was my first day. I got lost a grand total of 4 times (4 out of 5 passing periods, 6 if you count the one to 1st period). All my teachers seem relatively nice, but then again all teachers do the first day. Mr. Boring-man (Broerman) did too. It just takes a few days for the teachers to show their true colors, wether good or bad. Truthfully, he didn't really bother me much (hes a really good painter and tolerable to be around once you got to know him), but most of other students hated him. Plus he was kinda weird. When angry, he would sometimes growl at a misbehaving student. And he got angry alot. Is it possible he could have been a furry in disguise? Not all furries are nice you know. ANYWAY! I'm getting off-topic again.
I was able to figure out my locker well enough, thankfully. Really, the worst part of today was getting lost a few times. No biggie. Sucks that we have to go in earlier this year, but bearable (as long as caffine is consumed beforehand..).
As it turns out, most of the classed are mixed-grade. Half of my art class are every other grade besides freshman. The best part about this was the ability to have band class with nearly all the marching band people. Speaking of which, I almost got kicked out of for missing so mant practices as a result of my summer activities. I really want to stay with it, but its going to be harder now since its from 5:30 to 9 now. Thats, like, 10 minutes after supper and 1 hour before bed. Free time (or even time for homework) could take a heavy blow. Mom says that if it interferes with my schoolwork, I have to quit. Boo :(
The only homework I got were those stupid "behavioral contract" things from nearly every class. Yay.
Peace out!
♥ ~ Solitia ~ ♥
You can now find me on Facebook and Furry Teens (<-- its this random but awesome forum)
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